
IISE UJ 6th Annual Regional Conference
Emerging Trends: A Gate into The Future
Will be held on the 5th and 6th of February -2024 In The Ritz-Carlton, Amman :
Our targeted audience is 350-400 students, faculty members, entrepreneurs, researchers, and respected professors from around the Arab world. Our primary focus is industrial engineering students, students from several engineering fields, and other majors. The collective diversity within our target audience not only enhances the richness of our event but also offers a unique opportunity for the attendees to share knowledge and network.

As we're living in a rapidly changing world, our youth must be equipped with the skills and mindset that would allow them to adapt and most importantly help them find their way in building a better future. This theme shows our commitment and dedication to ensuring that our esteemed attendees are provided with the most valuable information that would help them explore the latest trends, developments and innovations in the world we live in today. The great minds we're bringing to this conference will be able to impact the lives of the attending students and guide them toward more promising career opportunities.

In a world that thrives on innovation and creativity our main aim is to shape our future leaders to be ready to tackle the challenges of this dynamic world. "Innovate to Elevate" reflects our goal to inspire and educate our attendees, unleash their creativity, encourage them to make a difference, and guide them to seek opportunities that will add value to their careers by changing their mindsets to find hidden potential.